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MICDS Red Cross Club (RCC)

The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. The MICDS Red Cross Club (RCC) is a community service club that promotes service projects like blood drives, educates about disaster preparedness, and ultimately publicizes volunteering for the Red Cross―an organization consisting 90% of volunteers.

Time commitment: As much as you want to help out. There will be big and small projects, and any help given will count towards your community service requirement. The Red Cross also has more opportunities for young volunteers to help outside of the club, which we will introduce. Throughout the year, we will continually offer opportunities, but the amount volunteered is purely on an individual basis.


Sponsors: Greg Foster, Melanie Moody

Student Contacts: Nikitha Ada, Aeryn Jarrell, Anuj Pullakandam, Chloe Cheng



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