Best Buddies
Best Buddies is an international organization that strives to normalize friendships between people with disabilities and people without them. MICDS students have the opportunity to be a peer buddy, a student who commits to a one-to-one friendship with a person with a disability, or an associate member, a student who is not matched with a buddy, but participates in meetings and goes on group outings. All members help increase awareness about disabilities in the St. Louis area and plan events to make these kids feel included in society.
Time commitment: 1-2 meetings a month, with additional independent or group work to prepare for and attend planned events. Peer buddies make a commitment to contact their buddy once a week, and go on at least one outing per month.
Sponsor: Erin Hamill
Student Contacts: Bennett Baur, Melina Finnegan, Caroline Koman
Website: Best Buddies Missouri -